Dear Friend,
AEM (Ayuda en Mexico), a non-profit organization, is making its annual trip to Mexico to do a service project. Unlike the U.S., Mexico has no government programs to help feed the poor. There are no homeless shelters or food stamps. We work with the local Mexican Rotary International club to identify the poorest and the most needy.
It is our goal this year to help hundreds of families by giving them a dispensa, a large bag filled with beans, flour, oil, sugar, rice, soup, fruit, toiletries and candy. Our most urgent need is to raise funds to purchase food the despensas when we arrive in Mexico. By buying food in the country we help bolster the local economy.
Each family will also receive a quilt. AEM volunteers have spent many days this past year tying quilts, but we find ourselves short of our goal. Quilts, afghans, and blankets are need.
We will also be providing basic school supplies for hundreds of school children. They will receive notebooks or paper, pens, pencils, coloring books and crayons, as well as toothbrushes, toothpaste and a knitted cap. If available, soccer balls will also be distributed.
Sometimes, we are able to help individuals with doors and windows, roofs, or other special projects. When possible, we also assist orphanages, foster homes, senior centers, clinics and hospitals.
Ninety nine percent of all donations go directly to the people in Mexico. AEM has NO overhead and our organization is run completely by volunteers. We donate our time vehicles and any incurred travel expenses. This year we will be leaving in late October or early November and any help, especially monetary, will be greatly appreciated.
Donations of hammers and shovels can help a man find employment. A dispensa can feed a family of four for a month. A wheelchair or crutches can literally change a life. A pen and some paper can be valuable tools to a student. A hand up can instill hope.